Support and monitoring of the situation in the area of housing stability and prevention of housing loss for MRK

Improving the level and stability of housing has direct effect on improving employment and education opportunities and is directly related to improving the health status of MRC members. The area of housing is undoubtedly one of the areas where the differences between the Roma and the majority population are widening the most. As part of the activity, we are interested in improving the performance of social work in the field of housing of MRC and create a job as an employee implementing an intervention in the field of housing.                                                                                                                                                                                                          


The target group is the inhabitants of Bratislavská Street, approximately 450 inhabitants of the adult population. There are 9 apartment buildings, 12 residential containers, which are used for temporary housing and 8 housing units created from residential containers. This group is socially and culturally differentiated. Their situation has long been determined by high unemployment, dependence on social security benefits, low levels of education and also excessive use of alcohol and other addictive substances, which distort the personality and reduce the demands on quality of life. According to available statistics, the population of the locality is growing, but also aging.  A major social problem is indebtedness, which is related to the problem of employment and ignorance of the payment of taxes and fees. This expands the range of problems and therefore requires continual work with clients. 


Currently, the city of Žilina is involved in the program of field social work and community work, in which it helps the inhabitants of Bratislavská Street in several areas: finance and management, socio-pathological phenomena, cooperation with school and education, health, social security and housing. Given the growing problems of the target group in the field of housing, we perceive the need to strengthen social assistance and counseling here. The city of Žilina provides social housing in apartment buildings and residential containers in Bratislavská Street. At the same time, another part of the MRC population lives in other apartment buildings in the city of Žilina. The basic conditions for the allocation of social housing are the income of the applicant and the fulfillment of the obligation to municipalities and some other entities (eg payment of tax). As part of this activity, a field worker for social housing will be designated to help residents build financial stability and positive personal credit.  The employee will work closely with other field social workers and community workers to provide comprehensive counseling (job search assistance, communication with potential employers, assistance in the MRC’s communication with housing center staff, administration of housing documentation and monitoring of housing-related duties). This activity should primarily have a preventive character, it should ensure the keeping of housing. As part of the activity, one electric car will be purchased, which will be available to field social workers in ensuring the activities of this activity.                                                                                                                


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