Creation of a new updated concept of development - social inclusion of the marginalized Roma community in the city of Žilina for the years 2022-2026

The aim of the activity is to create a new updated concept of development – focused on the social inclusion of the marginalized Roma community in the city of Žilina for the years 2022 – 2026. It is a medium-term program document which, based on the analysis of economic, social and environmental development of the city, will determine the strategic priorities that the city will implement from 2022 for a comprehensive solution and thus social inclusion of the marginalized Roma community in Žilina. Despite the launch of some development activities, the original strategic document needs to be updated. The updated document will also be a part of the Integrated Territorial Strategy of the City of Žilina for the years 2021 – 2027. This strategy will be prepared by the City of Žilina  together with surrounding municipalities, experts and important socio – economic partners from the region. The preparation of the new action plan of the city is also carried out in accordance with the updated Action plan of the Slovak republic strategy for roma integratio until 2020. 


The aim of this strategic document will be to support the social integration of marginalized Roma communities, addressing their needs through defined priorities with an emphasis on mitigating the negative impacts of socio-economic development affecting the most vulnerable groups.                                                                                                                                                   


Collection of data and information for the processing of the analytical part will be realized by means of: 

– questionnaire,

– on the basis of public meetings,

– from the provided documents of the municipal authority, competent authorities and relevant entities.                                                                          

Given the focus of support for marginalized Roma communities in four priority areas, the acquisition of information and documents will focus on: human resources and education, employment and social inclusion, health and healthy lifestyle, housing and infrastructure, and three interrelated problem areas: poverty, discrimination, gender equality.  

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